Python Get Internal IP Address

import os
import urllib

# run command to get wlan0 internal IP address
command = os.popen('ifconfig | grep -A1 wlan0')

# ready the command data
client_ip =

# put the internal IP address into the query params
query = { 'client_ip' : client_ip }
url = "http://domain/path/to/some.php?"+urllib.urlencode(query)

# print the final url
print url



Tim Graupmann is an avid technology user and publisher on multiple app stores. [Google Play] [Amazon]

Tim can be reached at for questions about Razer Chroma integration and game engine plugins.

Tim can be reached at for questions about Unity Packages ([WebGL Speech], [WebGL Speech Detection], [WebGL Speech Synthesis], [Scene Merge], [Setup for Fuse CC], [Standalone Plugin Maker], [Word Detection]).

Tim can be reached at for questions about PlayFab, and Unity Packages ([Ecosystem Generator], [Paint Video Series 1], [TreeView Control], [Scene Explorer], [TAGENIGMA Toolbox]).

Change Exposure Time

Import the fraction library.

from fractions import Fraction

Setting a longer exposure is handy in low-light environments.

camera.framerate = Fraction(1,6)
camera.shutter_speed = 6000000
camera.exposure_mode = 'off'
camera.iso = 800