I plugged in the Power-On-Self-Test card into my ASUS P5N-E SLI motherboard with yielded error code 7F. I’ll have to find the correct set of post codes for the [Award Bios]. This says that errors are displayed and its waiting for a key press. That seems correct, because as soon as I press a key the post codes continue to cycle. The pattern of post codes are: FF A0 1d C1 FF A0 C1 FF A0 11 C0 C1 FF A0 C0 A0 C0 C1 FF A0 C1 FF A0 1d C1 FF A0 C1 C3 2d 50 52 080 75 86 80 FF 80… stop.

C++ Define

I was refreshing my mind on C++ template classes and defines today when I thought of a nice optimization if it could be possible.

I want to use a #define to add a set of dynamic properties and methods to a class. For example: the macro would add a World property, a GetWorld method, and a SetWorld method. The tricky part is the “World” part of the names would be dynamic.

And it works beautifully. Check out the details in the post.

Forum: [post]

P5N-E SLI Died

My desktop machine up and died Friday. For some reason it keeps rebooting before it
even gets to the BIOS screen. I have a P5N-E SLI motherboard and I’ve emailed tech support to see if they have any diagnostic tools. Like maybe a trigger or some kind of
[diagnostic mode] where the motherboard could blink at me and say what the
problem is.

I’m still within my 1 year under Warranty. Before I mail this thing back for
repairs, I was just wanting to know if I could figure out the problem first.

I tried taking out the CMOS battery without success. The machine keeps rebooting before the BIOS screen opens up over and over. I’ll try resetting the Bios to factory mode (on the hardware if possible). But if that doesn’t work it must be a hardware problem.

Apparently there is something called a [power on self-test card] or [PCI POST diagnostics card] which is a PCI card that outputs computer problems to an easy to read LED display.

Info: [system specs]
[support forum]

WN121T Driver 5.2 released

The WN121T causes many blue screens of death on Vista. A new driver was released that may fix some of the issues.
[WN121T Support Page]

Also WG111T 2.1 drivers released on the [WG111T support page].

The problem with this latest driver is that if you remote desktop to the machine using Vista then the network connection abruptly disconnects if Netgear manages your wireless connections. Everything works correctly if you let Vista manage the wireless connections.

Forum: [post]

Perl Physics

I’ve been thinking of creating a [Modo 302] python script using the [Bullet Physics SDK] and the [Bullet forums] to submit to [VertexMonkey]. The Bullet SDK also contains BulletX targeted at C# .Net and XNA in the Bullet/Extras/BulletX folder of the Bullet SDK. VertexMonkey has a [script introduction] to how Modo 302 scripts work. After watching the Modo 302 animation training videos, I think a physics helper could make the process much easier.

[Modo 302] uses [Python] as a scripting language for add-on scripts. The [Python docs] and [Python API] make good references. Python training videos are available at [ShowMeDo], including a [VPython] [physics tutorial]. I’d prefer using an existing physics library, so [extending Python] has become necessary. [IronPython] makes all .NET libraries easily available to Python programmers, while maintaining full compatibility with the Python language.

Modo 302 also uses [Perl] for scripting. I was always a big fan of developing using [ActivePerl] in what seems like a lifetime ago. The best part of Perl is [The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network] which maintains an extensive library of Perl plugins to do anything you could think of. I find it amazing you can even find [Ogre3d] as a Perl module created by [Slanning].

Forum: [post]

2008 Washington State Biomedical Device Summit

[WBBA] is collaborating with several organizations to host the 2008 Washington State Biomedical Device Summit. Focused solely on the region’s medical device sector, the May 15 Summit will attract 200 executives from the medical device industry, researchers, economic development professionals and media. The event will feature a report on key findings of a study about the sector, a panel discussion with executives from the region’s industry, the launch of the Biomedical Device Innovation Partnership Zone, a showcase medical device products developed or being developed in Washington state and a reception. WBBA’s partners on this effort are enterpriseSeattle, the Economic Development Council of Snohomish County, City of Bothell, University of Washington Bothell, the Prosperity Partnership and the Washington Technology Industry Association (WTIA). The event is Thursday, May 15 from 4 to 7 pm, at the UW Washington Bothell.”


I logged into my Vista 64-bit system and saw some “RSSoft” process copying unknown files. I killed the process to see something about a “RedSwoosh” 32-bit service. I need to investigate.

Rogue file copy process:

RedSwoosh process in task manager:

Realtek Audio Drivers

I have a built-in sound card on my ASUS P5N-E SLI motherboard. The drivers from 1/2/2007 don’t seem to play audio from the rear audio jack. So all I need to do is get the Realtek High Definition Audio drivers from [Realtek]. Unfortunately, the site is designed so badly that it’s impossible to search or find the drivers I need. The site makes it really easy for investors to see RealTek earned a 30% profit increase over last year, however.

Instead I installed my [Hercules] [Fortissimo II] which has better surround sound ouput. I could use the card if only it had drivers for 64-bit vista.

Hercules has a good explaination of why the rear sound doesn’t play with the Reltek sound card.

With the launch of Windows Vista, Microsoft has removed DirectSound 3D Hardware
support from Direct X. Applications using DirectSound and DirectSound3D will still
function; however, they will no longer use hardware acceleration.

The card will react according to the source:
– Most sounds being Stereo (ex: iTunes), they will be outputted only through the Front
speakers (and subwoofer, in case of a 2.1 system).
It is however possible for the card to reproduce the stereo signal on all outputs of a multichannel
speaker system (4.1 and superior). For this to take effect, be sure that “Enable
Virtualization” is checked in the OTHER tab of the Hercules control panel before
launching the application.

The [M-Audio Audiophile 192] is the top-of-the-line audio card. It has all the input/output and sound quality of a studio. And the drivers are guaranteed to work with Vista 64-bit and all my speakers.

Survey of Papervision3d

[Papervision3D Video Demo] Here you’ll find the demo reel for the latest public demo of what you can do with Papervision.

[Interview with Ralph Hauwert on Papervision3D] Ralph Hauwert presents the highlights of making Papervision3d 2.0.

[Papervision3D Public Beta] Read about how the Papervision3d blog is now hosted on Google code. Find details about licensing and the latest code repository. Get the links to the API docs, discussion forums, mailing lists, and demos.

[Papervision3d at Google Code] Here you’ll find download links for the Papervision3d shark demo.

[Papervision3d Wiki Guide] A great place to learn about Papervision3d is their wiki.

[Papervision3d Cheatsheet] Here you’ll find a three page PDF featuring a quick handy guide to the Papervision3d’s most useful API methods.

[Great White shaders] The main Papervision3D demo features a shark application that uses a variety of shaders. This is a direct link to the AS3 source code for those shaders.

[John Grden’s Blog] One of the Papervision3d guru’s talks about the new Papervision3d 2.0 release.

[Noventaynueve’s Blog] Noventaynueve writes about the experience of using papervision for 3d flash projects.

[Flash Magazine] The most recent article talks about the speed improvements of Flash 9 and how it’s now possible to do simple 3d in flash. The article links off to other projects applying Papervision3d.

[The Flash Blog] The most recent entry features the bit about using AS3 shaders with Papervision3d.

[ASCollada] Collada is an open source 3d animation format that is now supported by modeling/animation applications, such as: Maya, Max, Modo, Blender, and XSI. The Collada Actionscript Library allows you to load these models in AS3 using Papervision3d.

[EarthMine] is a Papervision3d application created by the developers of Papervision3d.

[Sony Bravia] is another Papervision3d application created by the developers of Papervision3d. This site pushes AS3 to the performance limits.

[Adobe CS3] pushes the 3d performance limit with 512+ simultaneous 3d objects.

[Away3D] supports 3d animation formats for AS3 and MD2.

[FlashSandy] bundles with camera examples to help navigate your 3d scene.

[Papervision3d] – API Docs

[Bolducati] – papervision 3d model rotation tutorial

[TheFlashBlog] – New Video Tutorial on Papervision3D 2.0 Interactivity

[Papervision2] – More detailed tutorials on Papervision

[] – Papervision 3d previewer

[TouchLib] – library integrates with a camera and abstracts touch information

[Cubit] – makes use of the TouchKit