MFC Chroma Editor

[CChromaEditor] is a work in progress to pack the functionality of [UE4ChromaSDK] and [UnityChromaSDK] into a Windows DLL.

[GameMakerChromaExtension] uses a GameMaker extension to load the embedded MFC DLL.

[ConsoleChromaEditor] is a C# Console app for testing the embedded MFC DLL.

[Enhanced Color Button]

[Embedded MFC in DLL]

[GameMaker SetDisplay Extension]

if os_type==os_windows

[GameMaker Importing Resources]

Control your LEDs with your TV remote?! || Arduino IR Tutorial

I created a [XamarinFormsIoT] Windows Core IoT project which can control LEDs and play sounds on a Raspberry PI 3 using C#/XAML. I used a portable dependency interface to expose the GPIO controller which only exists in the UWP project. GPIO is used to control the LEDs. I also ordered an IR receiver so I can detect IR signals from a remote and it works!

Next I need to [find] a UWP library for LIRC.

The [Arduino-IRremote] has a C++ library that can be converted to UWP.

I followed the idea from the video below.

[How to Control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi with an IR Remote]

Adafruit: [IR (Infrared) Receiver Sensor]

[Raspberry Pis, Remotes & IR Receivers!]

[Xamarin Components]

[Play wav file in Raspberry PI with Windows IoT Core]


[Xamarin Forms: Hello Blinky]

[Windows 10 IoT Core : Setting Startup App]

[UWP on Xbox One]

Introducing ARKit

[Introducing ARKit]

Introducing ARKit: Augmented Reality for iOS
ARKit provides a cutting-edge platform for developing augmented reality (AR) apps for iPhone and iPad. Get introduced to the ARKit framework and learn about harnessing its powerful capabilities for positional tracking and scene understanding. Tap into its seamless integration with SceneKit and SpriteKit, and understand how to take direct control over rendering with Metal 2.

[ARKit support for iOS via Unity-ARKit-Plugin]

UE4 Plugin for Chroma

This week, I’m wrapping up a UE4 plugin for Chroma [UE4ChromaSDK].

Next step, I’ll be making a [Custom Asset Type] on [tgraupmann].

The ForceFeedbackEffect has a hover animation that when clicked plays the animation which is what I want to do for Chroma. “Play selected force feedback effect” from


[Setting up AssetTypeActions]


Next step customizing the details window.

So you'll want to create an IDetailCustomization-derived class and implement that interface and register/unregister it in your plugin module's startup/shutdown logic
As for how to implement that interface, lot of stuff to cover there.
You'll implement CustomizeDetails, which has a IDetailLayoutBuilder parameter.

Example: [LocalizationDashboard]

Go to Editor Preferences, all settings, search "Localization Dashboard" and check the box.
Then go to Window -> Localization Dashboard (under Experimental), from the top-level menus.

[Customizing Details Panels]

[Programming DetailsCustomization]

[Slate Example Widgets]