Composite Keys use a unique combination of multiple values to identify rows.
Author: Devin Graupmann
DATABASE – Natural Primary Keys
A Natural Primary Key is a column of values in your existing data that is guaranteed to be unique for every row.
Natural Key Pitfalls
Watch out for columns that appear to hold unique values simply because they contain only a few rows.
Only choose a natural key column if it is impossible to have duplicates, not merely improbable.
DATABASE – Three ways to add a primary key
Create the primary key column in the column specification with an auto-assigned constraint name
CREATE TABLE customers ( customer_id char(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, company varchar(100), address varchar(100), city varchar(50), state char(2), zip char(5) );
Add the primary key constraint when creating the table with a namable constraint
CREATE TABLE customers ( customer_id char(5) NOT NULL, company varchar(100), address varchar(100), city varchar(50), state char(2), zip char(5), CONSTRAINT PK_Customers_CustomerID PRIMARY KEY (customer_id) );
Add the primary key after the table is created
CREATE TABLE customers ( customer_id char(5) NOT NULL, company varchar(100), address varchar(100), city varchar(50), state char(2), zip char(5) ); ALTER TABLE customers ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Customers_CustomerID PRIMARY KEY (customer_id);
Database Part 2 – Section 1
MSSQL Date and time data type precision
-- Store dates and times in SQL Server CREATE TABLE TimeExperiment ( a datetimeoffset, --stores timezone, stores time down to 100 nanoseconds b datetimeoffset(0) -- round times to the nearest second ); INSERT INTO TimeExperiment VALUES (getdate(), getdate()) ; SELECT * FROM TimeExperiment;
MSSQL Date Formats
-- Dates and time values can be entered in a variety of ways INSERT INTO TimeExperiment (a) VALUES ('2020-01-02'), -- Standard date format ('Jan 2, 2020'), -- Can also use text abbreviations ('2 January, 2020 14:25'), -- Combine date and time ('2 Jan, 2020 2:25 PM') -- Specify PM when entering afternoon times in 12 hour format ; SELECT * FROM TimeExperiment;
PostgresSQL Date and time data type precision
-- Store dates and times in PostgreSQL CREATE TABLE TimeExperiment ( a timestamp with time zone, -- store to 100 nanoseconds b timestamp (0) with time zone -- store to seconds ); INSERT INTO TimeExperiment VALUES (now(), now()) ; SELECT * FROM TimeExperiment;
PostgresSQL Date Formats
-- Dates and time values can be entered in a variety of ways INSERT INTO TimeExperiment (a) VALUES ('2020-01-02'), -- Standard date format ('Jan 2, 2020'), -- Can also use text abbreviations ('2 January, 2020 14:25'), -- Combine date and time ('2 Jan, 2020 2:25 PM') -- Specify PM when entering afternoon times in 12 hour format ; SELECT * FROM TimeExperiment;
Database Foundations: Data Structures
DATABASE Section 7
[What are the MSSQL database functions?]
[What are the PostgresSQL database functions?]
Remember the HAVING keyword only applies to groups. The WHERE keyword only applies to rows.
Queries can use alias on table names and column names. The AS keyword is optional.
SELECT p.ProductName AS "Product Name", c.CategoryDescription AS "Category Description" FROM products.products AS p JOIN products.categories AS c ON p.CategoryID = c.CategoryId ;
Strings can be converted to a result set.
SELECT 'Adam' AS "Name";
Some common math functions in SQL
SELECT MAX(Price) AS "Maximum Price", MIN(Price) AS "Minimum Price", AVG(Price) AS "Average Price" FROM products.products;
SQL columns can use math operators.
SELECT SKU, ProductName, CategoryID, Size, Price, '8.5%' AS TaxRate, Price * 0.085 AS SalesTax, Price + (Price * 0.085) AS TotalPrice, ROUND((Price * 1.085), 2) AS TotalPrice FROM products.products;
Select queries can be nested.
SELECT ProductName, Size, Price FROM products.products WHERE Price = (SELECT MAX(Price) FROM products.products) ;
Make a query show unique rows.
SELECT DISTINCT categories.CategoryDescription FROM products.products JOIN products.categories ON products.CategoryID = categories.CategoryID ;
Use aggregates to count the number of records.
SELECT categories.CategoryDescription, COUNT(products.SKU) as "Number of Skus" FROM products.products JOIN products.categories ON products.CategoryID = categories.CategoryID GROUP BY CategoryDescription ORDER BY "Number of Skus" DESC ;
Aggregate functions operate on each group individually.
SELECT categories.CategoryDescription, COUNT(products.SKU) as "Number of Skus", MAX(products.Price) AS "Maximum Price", MIN(products.Price) AS "Minimum Price", AVG(products.Price) AS "Average Price" FROM products.products JOIN products.categories ON products.CategoryID = categories.CategoryID GROUP BY CategoryDescription ORDER BY "Number of Skus" DESC ;
The HAVING keyword filters aggregate results.
SELECT categories.CategoryDescription, COUNT(products.SKU) AS "Number of SKUs", MAX(products.Price) AS "Maximum Price", MIN(products.Price) AS "Minimum Price", AVG(products.Price) AS "Average Price" FROM products.products JOIN products.categories ON products.CategoryID = categories.CategoryID WHERE products.Price > 15 GROUP BY CategoryDescription HAVING CategoryDescription = 'Olive Oils' --HAVING NOT CategoryDescription = 'Bath and Beauty' --HAVING COUNT(products.SKU) < 10 ORDER BY COUNT(products.SKU) DESC ;
DATABASE Chapter 6
Query to return all rows from a table.
SELECT * FROM products.products
Query to return some rows from a table
SELECT * FROM products.products WHERE CategoryID = 1;
Query that joins with another table to include related columns
SELECT * FROM products.products JOIN products.categories ON products.CategoryID = categories.CategoryID WHERE SKU = 'ALB008';
Add three records.
INSERT INTO HumanResources.Employees VALUES (2,'Tim', 'Graupmann', 'IT', '20211028'), (3,'Linae', 'Graupmann', 'IT', '20211028'), (4,'Logan', 'Graupmann', 'IT', '20211028') ;
Promote an employee.
UPDATE HumanResources.Employees SET Department = 'IT Admin' WHERE EmployeeID = 1 ;
Retire an employee.
DELETE FROM HumanResources.Employees WHERE EmployeeID = 3 ;
Database Chapter 5
Insert a single record with the default columns.
INSERT INTO products.products VALUES ('FCP008','First Cold Press', 1,8,8.99) ;
Insert multiple records with the default columns.
INSERT INTO products.products VALUES ('BI008','Basil-Infused EVO', 2, 8, 10.99), ('GI016','Garlic-Infused EVO', 2, 16, 15.99) ;
Insert with named columns.
INSERT INTO products.products (SKU, ProductName, Price) VALUES ('OGEC004', 'Olive Glow Eye Cream', 18.99) ;
Update fields for a specific row.
UPDATE products.products SET CategoryID = 3, Size = 4 WHERE SKU = 'OGEC004';
Delete a specific row.
DELETE FROM products.products WHERE SKU = 'OGEC004';
Database Chapter 4
Create the database.
Create the schema.
Create the products table.
CREATE TABLE products.products ( SKU CHAR(7) NOT NULL, ProductName CHAR(50) NOT NULL, CategoryID INT, Size INT, Price DECIMAL(5,2) NOT NULL);
Create the categories table.
CREATE TABLE products.categories ( CategoryID INT PRIMARY KEY, CategoryDescription CHAR(50), ProductLine CHAR(25) );