HowTo Setup A MySQL Database
    Start by skimming the mysql site at MySQL.com.

    The download section has medium and max grade versions of the my sql database. Free to download.

    You might even want to get a copy of "MySQL Control Center" which let's you administer that database and users with a handy GUI.

    Under Contributed APIs, there is a link to "DBI" which let's you connect to MySQL with Perl. There are other drivers down there to connect to whatever platform you want.

    Indigoperl is a good installation that comes with Apache and ModPerl. It's available at indigostar.com

    It doesn't hurt to get yourself a copy of activeperl from activestate.com.

    Afer installing activeperl, just bring up a command prompt and type: "ppm install DBI". That will install all the DBI perl related drivers for you. "perldoc DBI" at the command prompt will give you a lot of information about how to use it.

    "ppm install DBD::mysql" is supposed to work, but has a conflict. So you need to use: "ppm install http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms/DBD-mysql.ppd" which installs the mysql wrapper that you need.

    You have to be in .\indigoperl\perl\bin and run the command "ipm install DBI". That will install the drivers for indigoperl/apache.

    Similarly to install the mysql wrapper for indigoperl/apache type: "ipm install http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms/DBD-mysql.ppd".

    Use the admin tool to create user "db_user" with password "password" granting permissions to at least do queries on tables.

    You may need to type mysqld.exe to startup the mysql database. Bring up the client using mysql.exe. Paste the following to create a table to work with. Here's an example of a Perl script that works for me in indigoperl. Just put it in .\indigoperl\apache\cgi-bin\.