Portfolio Gallery

I had registered the domain name: [TGraupmann] a while back to host my portfolio and to do some website experiments. I decided to experiment with [SimpleViewer].

SimpleViewer takes an XML gallery file, so I wrote a handy Perl script to auto generate the gallery file:


print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "n";
print '<simpleviewerGallery maxImageWidth="4096"
maxImageHeight="4096" textColor="0xFFFFFF"
frameColor="0xffffff" frameWidth="20" stagePadding="40"
thumbnailColumns="3" thumbnailRows="3" navPosition="left"
title="SimpleViewer Title" enableRightClickOpen="true"
backgroundImagePath="" imagePath="" thumbPath="">' . "n";

while (<images/*.jpg>)
   $_ =~ s/images///;
   print '   <image>' . "n";
   print '      <filename>' . $_ . '</filename>' . "n";
   print '      <caption>' . $_ . '</caption>' . "n";
   print '   </image>' . "n";

print '</simpleviewerGallery>' . "n";