Unity: SteamVR Center View

The Unity [SteamVR Plugin] has an API to center the VR view. It’s great when VR apps have a key mapped to do this.

using UnityEngine;
using Valve.VR;

public class SteamVRRecenter : MonoBehaviour
    // Keep the script around
    private void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.L))
            var system = OpenVR.System;
            if (system != null)

Steam: SteamVR Plugin for Razer Hydra

[SteamVR Plugin for Razer Hydra]

** Caution: Be sure to close any Game, UE4, Unreal Launcher, SteamVR, and Unity processes that are running before installing.

Source: [steamvr_driver_hydra]

Install "SteamVR" - steam://install/250820

Install "Sixense SDK for the Razer Hydra" - steam://install/42300

Install "SteamVR Driver for Razer Hydra" - steam://install/491380


OSVR: Setup SteamVR

SteamVR has support for OSVR. I tested with an OSVR HDK2.

Install SteamVR:


I used the OSVR control panel to flash the HDK2 to the [latest firmware] (`hdk2svr-2.00.hex`).

The setup instructions can be found at the [SteamVR-OSVR] project.

[Kevin Godby] is the developer of the SteamVR-OSVR plugin.

[Russell Taylor] is the primary RenderManager developer.

The 7zip archive with the pre-built Windows drivers can be found in the [files] section.

Extract the archive.

Copy the `SteamVR-OSVR\lib\openvr\osvr` folder to `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers` folder as a subfolder.

Initially, the SteamVR tutorial was up-side down. I found a solution on Reddit. [New SteamVR-OSVR driver available: fixes display orientation]

Close `SteamVR` and `Steam` before editing the `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings` file.

   "driver_osvr" : {
      "scanoutOrigin" : "lower-right",
      "verbose" : true
   "steamvr" : {
      "mirrorViewGeometry" : "0 0 1080 600"

Be sure to relaunch the OSVR server before starting SteamVR.

Relaunch Steam, and the SteamVR tutorial.


[Main monitor on different GPU prevents VR applications detecting Vive]

Since I have dual graphics cards, I had to swap graphics cards slots to get SteamVR to recognize the headset in Direct Mode.

There’s a couple important logs for debugging `SteamVR` issues.

* `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\logs\vrcompositor.txt`

* `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\logs\vrserver.txt`

Razer: OSVR Demo

First, I have my hands on the [OSVR HACKER DEVELOPMENT KIT].

After assembling the hacker kit, the manual says download and run the OSVR Hacker Development Kit software from [osvr.github.io].

OSVR has [chat rooms] to talk with other developers.

There are specific channels for “support” requests – see [support.osvr.com].

Nice that no drivers are required for Windows 10.

I had an old `DK1 model` and the firmware drivers were found in `C:\Program Files\HDK-Runtime\OSVR-CPI\dfu-prog-usb-1.2.2`.

Install [Render Manager].

[Getting Started Guide]

[Building with OSVR]

You may already have the `OSVR-Core` installed which can be found in `C:\Program Files\HDK-Runtime\OSVR-Core\bin`.

Or download and unpack the [Daily OSVR-Core Windows Binary Snapshot].

Start the server, run `OSVR-Core-Snapshot-v.X\bin\osvr_server.exe`.

Download and unpack the [OSVR-Unity Assets Snapshot].

Create a new unity project.

Import the unity package `OSVR-Unity-vX\OSVR-Unity.unitypackage`.

Open the demo scene `Assets\OSVRUnity\Sample\VRFirstPerson.unity`.

Hit `Play`.

[Troubleshooting RenderManager]

[NVIDIA Gameworks VR]