Category: Code
Microsoft FINALLY killed Visual Studio for Mac
FatDino Made a Game about Shrek, it will DESTROY your PC
Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects 2022
[Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects 2022]
taskkill /im mspdbsrv.exe /f
Expose the WinRT LampArray to Win32
[Newtonsoft.Json.Encryption] makes it easy to encryption certain JSON nodes.
NSIS Installer Builder
[NSIS] builds installers for Windows. [Code Samples] are available in the documentation. Start with the [A simple installer with start menu shortcut and uninstaller] example.
Visual Studio – View DLLs and executables in the Modules window (C#, C++, Visual Basic, F#)
Windows API – Grant identity to non-packaged desktop apps
Windows API – [Grant identity to non-packaged desktop apps]
Windows App SDK
The [Windows App SDK] is a set of new developer components and tools that represent the next evolution in the Windows app development platform. The Windows App SDK provides a unified set of APIs and tools that can be used in a consistent way by any desktop app on Windows 11 and downlevel to Windows 10, version 1809.
What’s New in C# 8.0
What’s Next in C# 11 | OD103
Welcome to Visual Studio 2022 – by Scott Hanselman and friends
[Launch of Visual Studio 2022] (64-bit)
C# CSV Parser Helper
[CsvHelper] is a great C# helper library for parsing and writing the CSV format. This is great when you have CSV with complex content that’s beyond just a comma separated file. The library is available on [Nuget] and [Github].
Making an accurate Sleep function
Determine CPU usage of current process (C++ and C#)
How to check if the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime is installed
[] autoformats your code and is compatible with many code editors.
Embed Binary File in C# Code
[CSharp_EmbedBytes] is a C# Console App that scans an input folder and embeds binary files as C# code byte arrays.
[Example #47] shows using the embedded byte array which is the output from the above tool.
VSCode Autoformatting
VSCode has [document formatting] shortcuts.
The Go Programming Language
Build a C# .NET Application in 60 Minutes
Build Chromium from Source for Microsoft Store
ElectronJS can be packaged for the Microsoft Store
Microsoft C++ REST SDK
[cpprestsdk] – [how to build for Windows] – [Getting Started]
[vcpkg] – [quick start on Windows]
cpprestsdk> mkdir build.x64v142
cpprestsdk> cd build.x64v142
cpprestsdk/build.x64v142> cmake ../Release -A x64 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\Public\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake
[OpenSSL] [Windows Notes] [StrawBerryPerl] [NASM]
(Configure x64 Debug)
perl Configure VC-WIN64A --debug --prefix=C:\Out\Lib\x64\Debug --openssldir=C:\Out\SSL no-shared
(Build Steps)
nmake clean
nmake test
nmake install_sw
(Configure x64 Release)
perl Configure VC-WIN64A --prefix=C:\Out\Lib\x64\Release --openssldir=C:\Out\SSL no-shared
(Repeat Build Steps)
C++ Rest SDK Sample: [Cpp_BoostJsonZipPostJwt]