This example script shows you how to get started in web/database development by connecting an HTML page to an MS SQL database via VbScript.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> Dim objConn Dim objRec Dim sIn Dim Query ' Put an SQL query into a string Query = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE name LIKE 'target%'" ' This is our connection to the MS SQL Database strConnect = "Server=TESTING1;Database=MSSQLDB;UID=user;PWD=password" ' We access the database thru an ADO connection Set objConn = CreateObject ("ADODB.connection") ' This tells which provider / driver to use objConn.Provider="SQLOLEDB" ' Opens the database connection objConn.Open strConnect ' Creates a recordset to hold the data coming back from the query Set objRec = CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") ' Causes the query to execute objRec.Open Query, objConn ' Output field names document.write (objRec.Fields(0).Name) document.write (" ") document.write (objRec.Fields(1).Name) document.write (" ") document.write (objRec.Fields.Count) document.write ("<br />") ' Output each record do while not objRec.EOF document.write (objRec.Fields(0).Value) document.write (" ") document.write (objRec.Fields(1).Value) document.write ("<br />") objRec.MoveNext loop ' Close the recordset objRec.close set objRec = nothing ' Close the database connection objConn.close set objConn = nothing </SCRIPT>