The Samsung Gear VR connects with my Samsung Note 5. First thing I’ll put it in network adb mode so I can deploy from Unity to the phone wirelessly with it inside the Gear VR.
I have some devices already connected, so disconnect those and kill any wireless connections.
adb kill-server
Connect the Note 5 from micro-usb to the desktop computer. The device should show in the adb device list.
C:\Users\tgraupmann>adb devices
List of devices attached
0915f9e3930b3504 device
Now put the device in wireless mode.
C:\Users\tgraupmann>adb tcpip 5555
restarting in TCP mode port: 5555
Connect to my phone now that it’s in wireless mode. The IP address can be found under the wireless settings.
C:\Users\tgraupmann>adb connect
connected to
And now Unity can deploy to the phone wirelessly.
Now create a new Unity project in the release version (5.3.3).
Set the platform to `Android` in build settings.
Set a bundle identifier in the `Android` other settings.
At this point `File->Build and Run` launches and runs on the `Note 5`.
Download [Oculus Utilities for Unity 5 SDK Examples] and unzip to a new folder. (This is the same download that I used for `Oculus Rift DK1`).
Copy the project settings into the Unity project settings (OculusUtilities_SDKExamples_0_1_3_0_beta\ProjectSettings).
Import the Oculus Unity Package (OculusUtilities_SDKExamples_0_1_3_0_beta\SDKExamples.unityPackage).
Restart Unity and reopen the project.
Be sure to put the [Oculus Signature File] into `Assets\Plugins\Android\assets`.
Open the sample scene (Assets\Scenes\FirstPerson_Sample.unity) and add it to the build list.
Let the baking process complete before hitting `File->Build and Run`.
There are white debug line appearing which can be disabled on the `DebugControls` GameObject by disabling the `OVR Debug Graph`.
If your pair a bluetooth controller (like the OUYA Controller), you can move around the scene with the left stick and look horizontally with the right stick.
And then I hooked up some zombies, of course, with [Setup For Fuse CC]. I’m getting some visual artifacting maybe caused by the near/far clip planes. This wasn’t happening with the `Oculus Rift DK1` on the same scene.
It’s not the near/far clip planes on the camera. The artifacts are happening on the terrain and on cubes on the sunny side.
The same issue persists even using the `Mobile/Diffuse` shader.
Logged the issue on the [Unity Forums].
I needed to change the light from a directional light to a baked area light.
Tweaking the Point light to mixed mode reproduces the lighting more closely with the desktop version.
I used Type: Point, Baking: Mixed, Draw Halo: true, and Range: 395.7.