First, I have my hands on the [OSVR HACKER DEVELOPMENT KIT].
After assembling the hacker kit, the manual says download and run the OSVR Hacker Development Kit software from [].
OSVR has [chat rooms] to talk with other developers.
There are specific channels for “support” requests – see [].
Nice that no drivers are required for Windows 10.
I had an old `DK1 model` and the firmware drivers were found in `C:\Program Files\HDK-Runtime\OSVR-CPI\dfu-prog-usb-1.2.2`.
Install [Render Manager].
You may already have the `OSVR-Core` installed which can be found in `C:\Program Files\HDK-Runtime\OSVR-Core\bin`.
Or download and unpack the [Daily OSVR-Core Windows Binary Snapshot].
Start the server, run `OSVR-Core-Snapshot-v.X\bin\osvr_server.exe`.
Download and unpack the [OSVR-Unity Assets Snapshot].
Create a new unity project.
Import the unity package `OSVR-Unity-vX\OSVR-Unity.unitypackage`.
Open the demo scene `Assets\OSVRUnity\Sample\VRFirstPerson.unity`.
Hit `Play`.