UE4 Plugin for Chroma

This week, I’m wrapping up a UE4 plugin for Chroma [UE4ChromaSDK].

Next step, I’ll be making a [Custom Asset Type] on [tgraupmann].

The ForceFeedbackEffect has a hover animation that when clicked plays the animation which is what I want to do for Chroma. “Play selected force feedback effect” from


[Setting up AssetTypeActions]


Next step customizing the details window.

So you'll want to create an IDetailCustomization-derived class and implement that interface and register/unregister it in your plugin module's startup/shutdown logic
As for how to implement that interface, lot of stuff to cover there.
You'll implement CustomizeDetails, which has a IDetailLayoutBuilder parameter.

Example: [LocalizationDashboard]

Go to Editor Preferences, all settings, search "Localization Dashboard" and check the box.
Then go to Window -> Localization Dashboard (under Experimental), from the top-level menus.

[Customizing Details Panels]

[Programming DetailsCustomization]

[Slate Example Widgets]