Aider Github –
Universal CTags –
OpenAI API Keys –
Install Bash on Windows by installing a GIT Client –
Install Conda in Ubuntu WSL2 – [Setting up Jupyter using Conda in WSL2]
Homebrew –
Install Homebrew on Ubuntu WSL2:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install Homebrew in the Anaconda terminal.
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Reopen the terminal to have Homebrew in your path.
If Homebrew is not in your path, add Homebrew to your path:
(echo; echo 'eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /home/$USER/.bashrc
In the Windows Anaconda (miniconda) terminal, open bash. (The bash version that opens needs to be the Linux bash version from WSL2)bash
Fix Conda on the Ubuntu WSL2.source ~/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
Use Ubuntu WSL2 or open the Anaconda terminal: (careful with the –name dashes, copy/paste can paste the wrong ascii dash so just type it)
conda create –name aider python=3.11.3
conda activate aider
export OPENAI_API_KEY=12345
brew install universal-ctags
Check if ctags is installed:ctags --version
Install Aider:pip install aider-chat
Use Aider to create a Snake game.
mkdir snake
cd snake
aidercreate the game snake using python
To get Aider to actually write the changes to I needed another the changes to
In another terminal Window open VS Code to run the generated snake
code .
AI was able to slow down the speed of the snake.can you slow down the movement speed by half
AI was able to add early quiting the game.I want to be able to quit while in game by pressing q
AI had trouble increasing the tile size and stopped being able to pick up food.Can you make the snake game use larger tiles?
I would recommend commit/push the files every time the AI makes a change and it works. That way you can revert the change if the AI breaks something.