Control your LEDs with your TV remote?! || Arduino IR Tutorial

I created a [XamarinFormsIoT] Windows Core IoT project which can control LEDs and play sounds on a Raspberry PI 3 using C#/XAML. I used a portable dependency interface to expose the GPIO controller which only exists in the UWP project. GPIO is used to control the LEDs. I also ordered an IR receiver so I can detect IR signals from a remote and it works!

Next I need to [find] a UWP library for LIRC.

The [Arduino-IRremote] has a C++ library that can be converted to UWP.

I followed the idea from the video below.

[How to Control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi with an IR Remote]

Adafruit: [IR (Infrared) Receiver Sensor]

[Raspberry Pis, Remotes & IR Receivers!]

[Xamarin Components]

[Play wav file in Raspberry PI with Windows IoT Core]


[Xamarin Forms: Hello Blinky]

[Windows 10 IoT Core : Setting Startup App]

[UWP on Xbox One]