Vimeo Developer Portal

The [Vimeo Developer Portal] has information on how to embed Vimeo videos into your applications.

Docs: [JavaScript API]
Docs: [config.xml specifications]
[API Example Repository]
[API Playground]

The [ADB Chrome Add-On] lets you debug [Cordova] in the browser while the app is running on Android.

Unfortunately because of the [same origin policy], the Vimeo API can’t be invoked from HTML5 invoked from `file:///`. Chromium has a [Command-Line] to specify `–disable-web-security` when doing local development. Web security should be enabled for the final application.

[content-security-policy specification]

Human Interface Guidelines

The [IOS Human Interface Guidelines] can be followed to really make your application shine. There’s no reason why you can’t follow the same guidelines for Android an iOS. Google has similar design guidelines called [Material Design]. [Pixate] is a useful tool for prototyping designs on Android and iOS. The Adobe [Color Wheel] helps pick colors that are constrained by design rules. You can also check your material design with the [Resizer].