Category: Hardware
Sipeed Maix Amigo – All-in-One AIoT Development Platform Based on RV64GC (RISC-V)
CyberPower Backup Batteries can be replaced
New Products 4/1/2020 Featuring #FingerPulse #Oximeter – BM1000C #Adafruit
How to Make a Robotic Arm at Home out of Cardboard
Mini Robot Dog – The Affordable Quadruped #1
We built a 1:2 SCALE CYBER TRUCK! (Part 4/4)
Adam Savage’s Spot Robot Rickshaw Carriage!
Testing a REAL Exoskeleton – the Comau MATE
The Levitating Speaker Strikes Back
Troubleshooting the F35 Sud Error Code in the Whirlpool Duet Steam Washer
Ugh, need to fix the Whirlpool Duet Steam Washer which has a bad sensor….
20″ Light Bar Install
Samsung 256GB MicroSDXC EVO Memory Card (MB-ME256GA/AM)
Testing 9 New Mini Cheetahs
Boston Dynamics Spot hands-on: new dog, new tricks
I built a Westworld robot and it’s awful
GoPro: Introducing HERO8 Black — Beyond Next Level
Lenovo LEGION Y545 Gaming Laptop
[Lenovo LEGION Y545 Gaming Laptop] $1200
Replacement Battery – [ZKROR L17M3PG2 57Wh 4955mAh Laptop Battery Replacement for Lenovo Legion Y7000-2019 Y545 Y540-15IRH Y530-15ICH-1060 Y7000P-1060 Series L17C3PG2 5B10W67380 5B10Q88555 5B10T31045 5B10W69457 11.52V]

Replacement Fans – [ZHAWULEEFB Replacement New CPU+GPU Cooling Fan for Lenovo Legion Y540P Y545 Y7000P-2019 FKTY FKU0 DFS501105PR0T-FKU0 DFS2001052Q0T-FKTY DC 5V 0.5A Fan]

Troubleshooting the F35 Sud Error Code in the Whirlpool Duet Steam Washer
Building Animatronic Robot Heads
Adafruit HalloWing M4 Express
Defending our Bird Nest from the Neighbor’s Cats
Meet Adafruit Founder Limor Fried: Open Source Hardware Revolution
Change from green to red based on sound loudness.
function lerp(start: number, end: number, amt: number) { return (1.0 - amt) * start + amt * end; } function lerpColor(from: number, to: number, t: number) { let red = Math.floor(lerp((from & 0xFF), (to & 0xFF), t)); let green = Math.floor(lerp((from & 0xFF00) >> 8, (to & 0xFF00) >> 8, t)); let blue = Math.floor(lerp((from & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (to & 0xFF0000) >> 16, t)); let color = red | (green << 8) | (blue << 16); return color; } function getRed(color: number) { let red = (color & 0xFF); return red; } function getGreen(color: number) { let green = (color & 0xFF00) >> 8; return green; } function getBlue(color: number) { let blue = (color & 0xFF0000) >> 16; return blue; } forever(function () { let red = 0x0000FF; let green = 0x00FF00; light.setBrightness(10); let t = input.soundLevel() / 255.0; let color = lerpColor(red, green, 1.0 - t); light.setAll(light.rgb(getRed(color), getGreen(color), getBlue(color))); })