The [Raspberry PI 3] is now on sale for $35. This increases the RAM to 1GB. The 64-bit quad processor is 10 times faster than the original Raspberry PI. And now RPI3 comes with built-in wifi.
Category: Raspberry PI
Turn Your Raspberry PI Zero Into A USB Gadget
Adafruit has a [post] on how to turn your Raspberry PI into a USB device that can connect to your computer like a peripheral. This could be useful for a ton of projects.
Idea wall:
1) A custom audio device that can change the pitch using the input from a guitar pickup.
2) A multiple camera device to auto switch to the camera being looked at.
Python Multipart Posts
To use a camera with the Raspberry PI, first [configure the Raspberry PI] to enable the camera.
In order to send large images from the Raspberry PI camera to a web server, the image has to be sent in parts. This requires the Python `poster` module.
To be able to install a python module, `pip` has to be installed.
sudo pip install poster
This is the server PHP page that saves the image.
<?php $image = $_FILES["image"]; if ($image == null) { echo "Missing image to save!"; } else { echo "Saved image!"; $tmp_name = $_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"]; move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "image.jpg"); } ?>
This Python script sends the image to the server.
#!/usr/bin/env python import urllib, urllib2 from poster.encode import multipart_encode from poster.streaminghttp import register_openers register_openers() url = "" print "url="+url filename = 'image.jpg'; if (os.path.isfile(filename)) : values = {'image':open(filename)} data, headers = multipart_encode(values) headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)' req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers) req.unverifiable = True content = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() print (content) else: print 'No image file found to upload'; print '\r\nProgam complete.'
This script will capture from the camera and then call the above script to upload the image.
#get access to the camera from picamera import PiCamera #import so we can invoke another script import subprocess #sleep so we can wait on the camera from time import sleep # create a camera object camera = PiCamera() #set the image resolution camera.resolution = (320, 240) #rotate the camera if upside-down camera.rotation = 180 #show preview with some transparency camera.start_preview(alpha=225) #wait two seconds for camera lighting sleep(2) #save image locally camera.capture('image.jpg') #stop the preview camera.stop_preview() #invoke the script to upload the image'python', shell=True)
Windows 10 – Raspberry PI 2
Windows 10 can be installed on the Raspberry PI 2 from a free download.
Servo Rotation
The servo can be turned clockwise, counter clockwise, and to the 90 degree position, but it lacks a way to query the current rotation. The rotation needs to be calculated manually and this script is a first attempt.
#!/usr/bin/env python import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import datetime import time servo_pin = 22 servo_pin2 = 18 # 60 degrees / 0.1seconds servo_speed = 0.1 GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(servo_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(servo_pin2, GPIO.OUT) last_time = current_time = sumTime = datetime.timedelta(0, 0) accuracy = 0.01 targetRotation = 0 currentRotation = 90 pulse1 = GPIO.PWM(servo_pin, 50) pulse2 = GPIO.PWM(servo_pin2, 50) logTime = def log(msg): global deltaTime global logTime if (logTime < logTime = + datetime.timedelta(0, 0.5) print msg return def reset(pulse): pulse.start(7.5); pulse.ChangeDutyCycle(7.5) return def update(pulse, targetRotation): global deltaTime global sumTime global servo_speed global accuracy global currentRotation log ("TargetRotation: " + str(targetRotation) + " CurrentRotation: "+str(currentRotation)) if (targetRotation == 90): pulse.ChangeDutyCycle(7.5) if ((currentRotation - targetRotation) < -accuracy): currentRotation += servo_speed elif ((currentRotation - targetRotation) > accuracy): currentRotation -= servo_speed else: pulse.ChangeDutyCycle(0) elif ((currentRotation - targetRotation) < -accuracy): pulse.ChangeDutyCycle(12.5) currentRotation += servo_speed elif ((currentRotation - targetRotation) > accuracy): pulse.ChangeDutyCycle(2.5) currentRotation -= servo_speed else: pulse.ChangeDutyCycle(0) return try: reset(pulse1) reset(pulse2) time.sleep(1) print "setup complete" while True: last_time = current_time current_time = deltaTime = current_time - last_time; sumTime += deltaTime; if (sumTime.total_seconds() > 3.0): #print (sumTime) sumTime -= datetime.timedelta(0, 3) targetRotation = (targetRotation + 45) % 180 update(pulse1, targetRotation); update(pulse2, targetRotation); time.sleep(0); except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\r\nProgam complete.' GPIO.cleanup();
Raspberry PI 2 – Servo Control
Using pulse modulation, the Raspberry PI can adjust a servo.
Here I combined the LED blinking example with the servo example.
#!/usr/bin/env python import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time led_pin = 15 led_pin2 = 16 led_pin3 = 36 led_pin4 = 37 GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(led_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(led_pin2, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(led_pin3, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(led_pin4, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.OUT) p = GPIO.PWM(22, 50) p.start(7.5); try: while True: GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(led_pin2, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(led_pin3, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(led_pin4, GPIO.HIGH) p.ChangeDutyCycle(7.5) time.sleep(1) GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(led_pin2, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(led_pin3, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(led_pin4, GPIO.HIGH) p.ChangeDutyCycle(12.5) time.sleep(1) GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(led_pin2, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(led_pin3, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(led_pin4, GPIO.HIGH) p.ChangeDutyCycle(7.5) time.sleep(1) GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(led_pin2, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(led_pin3, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(led_pin4, GPIO.LOW) p.ChangeDutyCycle(2.5) time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\r\nBack to neutral...' p.ChangeDutyCycle(7.5) time.sleep(1) print '\r\nProgam complete.' GPIO.cleanup();
Raspberry PI 2 – Alternating LEDs
The following Python alternates between two LEDs and then goes dark before repeating.
#!/usr/bin/env python import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time led_pin = 15 led_pin2 = 37 blinkSpeed = 5/2.0 #blink x times per second GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(led_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(led_pin2, GPIO.OUT) try: while True: GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(led_pin2, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(blinkSpeed / 3.0) GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(led_pin2, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(blinkSpeed / 3.0) GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(led_pin2, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(blinkSpeed / 3.0) finally: print 'finally'
Raspberry PI 2 – Blinking LED
Here’s a short Python script to toggle an LED using GPIO.
#!/usr/bin/env python import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time pin = 15 blinkSpeed = 1/5.0 #blink x times per second GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT) try: while True: print('PIN {} is going HIGH'.format(pin)) GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(blinkSpeed / 2.0) print('PIN {} is going LOW'.format(pin)) GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(blinkSpeed / 2.0) finally: print 'finally'
Raspberry PI 2 – Laptop
To make a Raspberry PI 2 Laptop, all you need is a mouse, keyboard, and TFT display. The battery is optional.
Raspberry PI 2 – Rocksmith Tone Cable
I’ve wanted to play my Cello with RockSmith but the octave needs to be adjusted. This DIY project shows how to make your own tone cable and I could use the Raspberry PI to adjust the pitch.
Raspberry PI 2 – Cannibalize Load Sensor
Maybe I can sacrifice one of my old scales to repeat this detailed project and connect to the Raspberry PI 2.
I’ll graph the results using ChartsJS.
Raspberry PI 2 – Sails.js
Installing Sails.js required building and installing Node.js from source.
I let the source build overnight and then moments later ‘sails lift’ was functional.
Also the reference guide is super helpful.!/documentation/reference/
Here is also a useful C# client:
Raspberry PI 2 – VNC
I picked up a Raspberry PI 2 and it’s working super speedy. Quad-core 900 MHz, ARM, 4-usb, HDMI/audio out.
After settting up WIFI, installing VNC made connecting the display, mouse, and keyboard no longer necessary. The boot process can be altered to start VNC server automatically.