Category: Razer
MFC Chroma Editor
[CChromaEditor] is a work in progress to pack the functionality of [UE4ChromaSDK] and [UnityChromaSDK] into a Windows DLL.
[GameMakerChromaExtension] uses a GameMaker extension to load the embedded MFC DLL.
[ConsoleChromaEditor] is a C# Console app for testing the embedded MFC DLL.
[GameMaker SetDisplay Extension]
if os_type==os_windows {external_call(external_define("SetDisplayResolution.dll","SetDisplayResolution",dll_cdecl,ty_real,3,ty_real,ty_real,ty_real),argument0,argument1,argument2)}
Add Chroma Animation Assets to Unity
Time to port the animation assets from UE4 to Unity [UnityChromaSwagger].
Once it works, I’ll push to [UnityChromaSDK].
UE4 Plugin for Chroma
This week, I’m wrapping up a UE4 plugin for Chroma [UE4ChromaSDK].
Next step, I’ll be making a [Custom Asset Type] on [tgraupmann].
The ForceFeedbackEffect has a hover animation that when clicked plays the animation which is what I want to do for Chroma. “Play selected force feedback effect” from
Next step customizing the details window.
So you'll want to create an IDetailCustomization-derived class and implement that interface and register/unregister it in your plugin module's startup/shutdown logic As for how to implement that interface, lot of stuff to cover there. You'll implement CustomizeDetails, which has a IDetailLayoutBuilder parameter.
Example: [LocalizationDashboard]
Go to Editor Preferences, all settings, search "Localization Dashboard" and check the box. Then go to Window -> Localization Dashboard (under Experimental), from the top-level menus.
Unity Chroma SDK Plugin
This week, I’m wrapping up a Unity plugin for Chroma [UnityChromaSDK] that consumes the [Chroma REST API]. I relied on [] to process swagger definitions in order to auto-generate a C# 2.0 client that works in Unity 3.5.7 and above.
You can check the REST version on [localhost:54235].
Unboxing The $4000 Razer Gaming Laptop
Steam: SteamVR Plugin for Razer Hydra
[SteamVR Plugin for Razer Hydra]
** Caution: Be sure to close any Game, UE4, Unreal Launcher, SteamVR, and Unity processes that are running before installing.
Source: [steamvr_driver_hydra]
Install "SteamVR" - steam://install/250820 Install "Sixense SDK for the Razer Hydra" - steam://install/42300 Install "SteamVR Driver for Razer Hydra" - steam://install/491380
Razer Hydra Unity Plugin
Hardware: DIY Project Valerie: BUILD YOUR OWN 3 Screen Laptop!!
OSVR: Setup SteamVR
SteamVR has support for OSVR. I tested with an OSVR HDK2.
Install SteamVR:
I used the OSVR control panel to flash the HDK2 to the [latest firmware] (`hdk2svr-2.00.hex`).
The setup instructions can be found at the [SteamVR-OSVR] project.
[Kevin Godby] is the developer of the SteamVR-OSVR plugin.
[Russell Taylor] is the primary RenderManager developer.
The 7zip archive with the pre-built Windows drivers can be found in the [files] section.
Extract the archive.
Copy the `SteamVR-OSVR\lib\openvr\osvr` folder to `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers` folder as a subfolder.
Initially, the SteamVR tutorial was up-side down. I found a solution on Reddit. [New SteamVR-OSVR driver available: fixes display orientation]
Close `SteamVR` and `Steam` before editing the `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings` file.
{ "driver_osvr" : { "scanoutOrigin" : "lower-right", "verbose" : true }, "steamvr" : { "mirrorViewGeometry" : "0 0 1080 600" } }
Be sure to relaunch the OSVR server before starting SteamVR.
Relaunch Steam, and the SteamVR tutorial.
[Main monitor on different GPU prevents VR applications detecting Vive]
Since I have dual graphics cards, I had to swap graphics cards slots to get SteamVR to recognize the headset in Direct Mode.
There’s a couple important logs for debugging `SteamVR` issues.
* `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\logs\vrcompositor.txt`
* `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\logs\vrserver.txt`
Razer Hydra SteamVR UPDATE (How-To) – Throw Things & More! | The Lab, HH&H
Razer: OSVR Demo
First, I have my hands on the [OSVR HACKER DEVELOPMENT KIT].
After assembling the hacker kit, the manual says download and run the OSVR Hacker Development Kit software from [].
OSVR has [chat rooms] to talk with other developers.
There are specific channels for “support” requests – see [].
Nice that no drivers are required for Windows 10.
I had an old `DK1 model` and the firmware drivers were found in `C:\Program Files\HDK-Runtime\OSVR-CPI\dfu-prog-usb-1.2.2`.
Install [Render Manager].
You may already have the `OSVR-Core` installed which can be found in `C:\Program Files\HDK-Runtime\OSVR-Core\bin`.
Or download and unpack the [Daily OSVR-Core Windows Binary Snapshot].
Start the server, run `OSVR-Core-Snapshot-v.X\bin\osvr_server.exe`.
Download and unpack the [OSVR-Unity Assets Snapshot].
Create a new unity project.
Import the unity package `OSVR-Unity-vX\OSVR-Unity.unitypackage`.
Open the demo scene `Assets\OSVRUnity\Sample\VRFirstPerson.unity`.
Hit `Play`.
Razer: Project Valerie
Razer: Project Ariana
Razer Blade Pro
Razer unveiled the [Razer Blade Pro] with 32G Ram, quad i7 6700 HQ, and NVIDIA GTX 1080.
Razer Acquires THX
[Razer’s THX purchase means cinema-approved VR and laptops]
We are excited to announce that THX Ltd. has joined the Razer family. We welcome the highly-talented team that has become synonymous with premium-quality audio and video experiences. Find out more about how THX is evolving at
Posted by Razer on Monday, October 17, 2016
Razer launches zVentures, a new $30M fund for IoT, robotics, VR and gaming startups
Corona Plugin For RazerSDK
I created a Corona Plugin for the Razer SDK. Corona Simulator is free and can build on Mac and Windows. The plugin uses the JAR format. [Corona Plugin Razer SDK] The plugin went live in the [marketplace].
Marmalade Plugin For RazerSDK
I created a Marmalade Plugin for the Razer SDK. I use Visual Studio 2015 to build Marmalade projects on Windows. The plugin uses the JAR format. [Marmalade Plugin Razer SDK]
How to add Android build options in Marmalade S3E Extensions
I’m working with the [Marmalade] engine, and I’m trying to find out [how to add compile options].
OUYA Plugin With Turret Mouse Support
I made some changes to the OUYA Unity Plugin and placed the updates into a new repository. I moved the Java source into an Android Studio project and removed the Java/NDK compile options from the editor. And then I added support for the Razer Turret Mouse service with an API to access the mouse position and button information on the Forge TV.
Cocos2d Plugin for Razer SDK
I created a Cocos2d Plugin for the Razer SDK. There’s several ways to build Cocos2d (i.e. Visual Studio, Android Studio, and XCode). The Visual Studio build process doesn’t support the AAR format yet, so the plugin uses the JAR format. The Android Studio gradle files do support AAR files.
[Cocos2d Plugin Razer SDK]
Windows 10 Upgrade
Today is the last day to upgrade to Windows 10 for free. I’m running Windows 10 on everything else, but my Razer Blade 14″ is running Windows 8. I need to reinstall anyway since I had some old dependencies that were getting in the way of compiling UE4 for Android.
Overview of the RazerSDK Unity Plugin
UE4 Plugin for Razer SDK
I created a UE4 Plugin for the Razer SDK. The build process doesn’t support the AAR format yet, so the plugin uses the JAR format.
[UE4 Plugin Razer SDK]