Category: Unity
Unity – Using FXMaker to Make a Chroma Helix
Ask to consider undeprecating the tool.
Xbox One UWP Development Guide Setup, Packaging, Deploying with Unity and UE4
Unite Berlin 2018 – Roadmap
Unity 2018.1 is now available
Unity Universal Gamedev Challenge
IBM & Unity partner to bring the power of AI to developers with IBM Watson Unity SDK
Unity 2D Game Kit!
Unity 2017 – Highlights
Floating Embers for Unity3D
UE4 Chroma SDK: Import Animation From Unity
Unity Native Chroma SDK: Layouts and Playback Looping
Procedural Worlds from Adam Goodrich
[Unity Asset Store] – [GAIA] is a system that enables rapid and precise creation of gorgeous looking terrains and scenes – out of the box!
[Unity Asset Store] – [GeNa] is the swiss army knife of spawning systems, enabling rapid creation of gorgeous looking scenes.
[Unity Asset Store] – [Pegasus] allows you to quickly and easily generate fly through’s and cut scenes to show off your work.
[Unity Asset Store] – [CTS] is a terrain shading system that is fast, powerful, and most importantly easy to use!
Unity Native Chroma SDK: Keyboard Masks
Unity Native Chroma SDK: Loop and Reverse
Unity Native Chroma SDK: Keyboard Layout Toggle
Unity Native Chroma SDK: Capture With Images
Unity Native Chroma SDK: Composite Playback
Unity Native Chroma SDK: Composite Capture
Unity Native Chroma SDK: Capture Window
Unity Native Chroma SDK
[UnityNativeChromaSDK] handles the ChromaSDK in Unity with a native [CChromaEditor] MFC plugin.
Unity: Optimizing garbage collection in Unity games
Add Chroma Animation Assets to Unity
Time to port the animation assets from UE4 to Unity [UnityChromaSwagger].
Once it works, I’ll push to [UnityChromaSDK].