Unity added the [SUBSTANCE – INTRODUCTION] tutorial series for making PBR materials look great in Unity.
Category: Unity
Unity Asset Store Daily Sale Form
The Unity Asset Store [signup form] is where an author can request access to go into a UAS daily sale.
Setup For Fuse CC
My new package [Setup For Fuse CC] is now available for sale in the Unity Asset Store.
Ultimate Game Music Collection
The [Ultimate Game Music Collection] has 100+ music tracks to produce any genre of game!
Setup For Fuse CC
[Setup For Fuse CC] has been submitted for review in the Unity asset store. The 1.0 release adds support for the Scary Zombie Pack from [Mixamo].
Setup For Fuse CC
I started the first step to submitting my new package to the [Unity Asset Store]. I’m in the process of [writing documentation] on my new asset `Setup For Fuse CC`.
Adobe Fuse CC to Unity UFPS
This video shows how to create a character in [Adobe Fuse CC] and integrate that character into [UFPS : Ultimate FPS], a Unity package that provides a First-Person-Shooter platform.
Devin’s First Unity Program
Devin completed his first Unity program while taking the [Udemy Unity Course].
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class NumberQizards : MonoBehaviour { int max = 1000; int min = 1; int guess; // Use this for initialization void Start() { StartGame(); } void StartGame () { print("Pick a number in your head but dont tell me."); max = 1000; min = 1; guess = 500; print("The highist number you can pick is " + max); print("The lowest number you can pick is " + min); NextGuess(); } void NextGuess() { print("Is the number higher or lower then " + guess + "?"); print("Up arrow for higher , down arrow for lower"); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { min = guess; guess = Mathf.FloorToInt((max + min) / 2f); NextGuess(); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { max = guess; guess = Mathf.CeilToInt((max + min) / 2f); NextGuess(); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) { print("You won!"); StartGame(); } } }
Unity – Setup InControl for Razer Forge TV
This video shows how to setup InControl in Unity to work with OUYA-Everywhere on the Razer Forge TV and OUYA Android consoles. See the [Unity Docs] for more info.
Unity Navigation Tutorials
The [Unity Navigation Tutorials] are short and sweet while covering the basics on how to add a NavMesh Agent running around obstacles and jumping across buildings.
Slack Channel For Unity Asset Store Publishers
The [Unity Asset Store] has a [slack channel] to talk about marketing and package creation.
While you are here, check out my new [WebGL Speech Detection] package in the Asset Store.
Oh look, I made a [SpeechProxy] so it works for Windows Editor and Windows Standalone too.
Ultimate FPS (UFPS)
I’ve been automating the setup using editor scripts for [UFPS : Ultimate FPS], a Unity package that provides a First-Person-Shooter platform. [Manual] [Forum]
When setting up characters, some guns have arms attached which necessitates needing to hide the existing player arms. The UFPS manual has a guide for the proper way to [hide arms and the head].
The Unity Asset Store also has [FPS Mesh Tool] which can also mask out the head and arms.
Learn To Code by Making Games – The Complete Unity Developer
Udemy offers an online course to learn Unity with [Learn To Code by Making Games – The Complete Unity Developer]. Right now the course is 95% off! The course has videos and progress tracking with assignments that teach Unity development by making games.
Ultimate FPS Bugs
I’ve been automating the setup using editor scripts for [UFPS : Ultimate FPS], a Unity package that provides a First-Person-Shooter platform. [Manual] [Forum]
I’ve filed some support tickets for minor issues that I’ve been finding. Most people script for UFPS at runtime, and so I’m finding some edit time issues.
Of course, to get things fixed tickets need to be created via `support@visionpunk.com`. So there’s no need to continue posting bugs on the forums.
Unity Water Systems
The Unity Asset Store has a couple great looking water systems.
Manual: [Unity Water]
The Unity [Standard Assets] also has water prefabs that look great and perform at 60FPS+.
Movement Animset Pro
[Movement Animset Pro] has a complete set of 179 motion capture animations.
Contains cool animations for such things as:
– Standing
– Walking
– Running
– Crouching / Sneaking
– Getting up from ground
– Jumping
– Falling
– Interactions (button pushing, picking up objects, levers etc.)
– Fist fighting
– Deaths and knockdowns
– Sitting
– Throwing
Ultimate FPS
[UFPS : Ultimate FPS] is a Unity package that provides a First-Person-Shooter platform. [Manual] [Forum]
Unity Asset Store
Looking in the Unity Asset Store today, I found some interesting packages.
Rain AI
[Rain AI] is a Unity package that provides an AI engine for game characters. The [Downloads Page] has a starter kit for getting started. The [Community Page] has links to the forums, wiki, and documentation. The [Tutorials Page] has several videos for learning the system. [Expressions] are important for complex behaviour trees.
[Squad Command] has an excellent set of behaviors for team AI.
Project Tango
Project Tango has a Unity project for getting started with AI rebuilding your physical environment into meshes as you walk around.
The Verge reviews Project Tango –
Purchase a Tango –
Graph Visualizer in Unity
The Playable Graph Visualizer has just released, a companion to the Playable Graph API, as an open source project (as usual, under the MIT/X11 license). It serves both as a debugging tool for your graphs, and a good example of how to use the Graph API.