It would be good to know if [UE4 C# script had built-in symbols].
Category: Unreal
Odin UE4 Plugin
[Odin] is UE4 Plugin that can save an entire blueprint sheet to disk at full resolution.
UE4 Plugin for Razer SDK
I created a UE4 Plugin for the Razer SDK. The build process doesn’t support the AAR format yet, so the plugin uses the JAR format.
[UE4 Plugin Razer SDK]
Unreal Slackers
A leader in the development community, Nick is the founder of [Unreal Slackers], the largest Unreal Engine [discord channel] where more than 2,000 developers trade ideas and support each other.
Unreal 4.12 Released
[Unreal 4.12 Released] with a HUGE list of updated features and bug fixes.
UE4 Android Input Callback
I created another [pull request] to add a feature to UE4. This adds an Android input hook for UE4 plugins for a chance to remap controller input. I also added a UE4 plugin test project [UnrealEngine_AndroidInputRemap] to verify that the changes work as expected. [How to handle JAR files in UE4] is a topic that comes up on the community forums.
UE4 JNI_OnLoad Callback
I created a [pull request] to add a feature to UE4. This adds a hook for UE4 plugins for a chance to get the JNI_OnLoad event more easily. I also added a UE4 plugin test project [UnrealEngine_JNI_OnLoad] to verify that the changes work as expected. [How to handle JAR files in UE4] is a topic that comes up on the community forums.
The Creation of ProtoStar, the First Unreal Engine Demonstration of Vulkan API
UE4 Plugin Docs
Here’s the UE4 reference section on [Plugins]. The [PlayFab UnrealBlueprintSDK] is a great example of how to do a UE4 plugin.
I’ll need to incorporate similar design into the `OuyaSDK` [h] and [cpp].
[Automation] has a great built-in way to write and execute unit tests to verify plugin features behave as expected in UE4.
The Foundary Game Jam Webinar Series
Starting January, The Foundary is producing the [Game Jam Webinar Series] which showcases MODO and MARI in the game content creation pipeline.
See the link above to get access to the 7 videos from the series.
“Webinar 3: UVs and the Shader Tree” has a ton of career advice for aspiring artists who will need to learn how to code to stand out in a saturated market.
Unreal Delegates with 8+ Parameters
Normally Unreal only defines the macros to generate delegates for up to 8 parameters. I wrote a [console app] to generate support for up to 62 delegate parameters. I submitted a [Pull Request] to have my changes added to Unreal. Unfortunately, coding standards block this change. The staff were also worried the extra macros would negatively impact compile times.
Unreal Developer Console on Android
I’m trying to [find out] if the Unreal tilda (~) developer console works on Android.
Go to Edit->Editor Preferences->Keyboard shortcuts then search “console” and make sure a key is assigned to open the console. “Mobile->Show Console on Four Finger Tap” will enable the developer console to appear on Android.
Introducing C++ For Unreal Engine 4 Game Development
Udemy offers the [Introducing C++ For Unreal Engine 4 Game Development] course to teach users how to use Unreal on Mac and Windows. The course has even more content planned after its successful [Kickstarter].
Unreal 4.8 Released
Unreal Engine 4.8 released and that means I’ll need to upgrade my branch of the OUYA SDK from 4.7 into 4.8.