Command-line to convert Word Doc to HTML.
pandoc -s my.docx -t html -o index.html --extract-media=.
The Development Blog of Tim Graupmann
Command-line to convert Word Doc to HTML.
pandoc -s my.docx -t html -o index.html --extract-media=.
[] packages JS libraries into an all-in-one library. Bun is also a package manager.
[ChartsJS] has a nice JS library for drawing charts in HTML.
Pricing for 3 year code signing EV certificate:
$811 – [Certum]
$867- [GlobalSign]
$1047- [ComodoCA]
$1047- [Sectigo]
$1536 – [Digicert]
[Windows saying my msi installer is a virus]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x64\signtool.exe
[Code Signing Certificate $429]
[UWP_SelfSignedCert] – Browser still blocks as a virus using a self-signed certificate.
[Code signing certificate for open-source projects]
[Github: About commit signature verification]
[WebSocket Sharp] is a very nice C# WebSocket library for server and client.
using MonoMac.AppKit;
namespace Blazor_MacOS_UI
internal class NativeUtils
public static string GetActiveWindowTitle()
NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace = NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace;
NSRunningApplication currentApp = NSRunningApplication.CurrentApplication;
// Get the process identifier of the frontmost (foreground) application
int processIdentifier = currentApp.ProcessIdentifier;
// Get the NSRunningApplication for the frontmost application
NSRunningApplication frontmostApp = NSRunningApplication.GetRunningApplication(processIdentifier);
// Get the localized name (title) of the frontmost application's main window
string foregroundWindowTitle = frontmostApp.LocalizedName;
return foregroundWindowTitle;
[Cpp_BoostWebSocketClient] Boost is a better way to go for C++ WebSockets. WebAssembly is not yet ready for WebSockets because it depends on the browser. Golang + WebAssembly + WebSockets needs more time to develop.
[Running JavaScript in WebAssembly with WasmEdge]
[Install and uninstall WasmEdge]
[Build and run a standalone WebAssembly app]
Missing exec_wasm.js
wasmedge ..\wasm\hello.wasm
[2023-11-21 16:12:43.280] [error] instantiation failed: unknown import, Code: 0x62
[2023-11-21 16:12:43.281] [error] When linking module: “gojs” , function name: “runtime.scheduleTimeoutEvent”
[2023-11-21 16:12:43.282] [error] At AST node: import description
[2023-11-21 16:12:43.283] [error] At AST node: import section
[2023-11-21 16:12:43.283] [error] At AST node: module
Try to include exec_wasm.js
wasmedge –dir .:. ../wasm/hello.wasm js/wasm_exec.js WasmEdge Runtime
[2023-11-21 16:18:26.949] [error] instantiation failed: unknown import, Code: 0x62
[2023-11-21 16:18:26.950] [error] When linking module: “gojs” , function name: “runtime.scheduleTimeoutEvent”
[2023-11-21 16:18:26.950] [error] At AST node: import description
[2023-11-21 16:18:26.950] [error] At AST node: import section
[2023-11-21 16:18:26.951] [error] At AST node: module
I customized the [Win32 sample WebView2Browser] to make a dedicated browser for MS Teams. This is better than using Electron Forge because it has the address bar, tabs, and browser controls.
Original Repository: [WebView2Browser]
Custom Browser: [WV2_CheggBrowser]
[Wasmer] is a blazing fast and secure WebAssembly runtime that enables incredibly lightweight containers to run anywhere: from Desktop to the Cloud, Edge and even the browser
Install with PowerShell:iwr -useb | iex
Install with Scoop:scoop install wasmer
Issue: [Running golang created WASM with CLI lacks wasm_exec.js bindings]
Wasmer doesn’t have wasm_exec.js implemented yet… [as described by the FAQ]
error: Unable to instantiate the WebAssembly module
╰─▶ 1: Error while importing “gojs”.”runtime.scheduleTimeoutEvent”: unknown import. Expected Function(FunctionType { params: [I32], results: [] })
[TinyGo – A Go Compiler For Small Places]
First Get Scoop, the CLI Windows Installer. Open up PowerShell.
> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser # Optional: Needed to run a remote script the first time
> irm | iex
Use [Scoop] to install TinyGo.
scoop install tinygo
[Extism – The cross-language framework for building with WebAssembly (wasm)]
[Github: Extism C++ SDK Readme]
[Github: Golang_WebAssemblyPrintLn]
Use [Github: Extism Go PDK] to create WebAssembly from Go.
[] inspects WASM Files