This is worth studying for you game designers/programmers. With DotNet and CSharp a lot of you are going the Windows.Forms route. I just wanted to present to you an alternative. The grunt work is done, so all you need to do is include the CSharp*.cs files and you are ready to go.
For fun I ported “GameTutorials Triangle(First OpenGL Program” to C# using
Win32. It keeps the existing framework of the original tutorial without using
Windows Forms. Take a look. This will safe others time that might want to
program OpenGL with Win32 calls in C#.
Tutorial: “[Triangle – My First OpenGL Program in C#]”
Update: Full Screen Mode now Works. Default Icon is now working. Figured out the MAKEINTRESOURCE problem. Some things that don’t work perfectly yet are commented out. For example, a memory leak that happens during painting. Anyone is welcome to email bugs or fixes.
I should note that I used the OpenGL ports from Nehe, but all the Win32 ports
are mainly from me. I used Pinvoke as a reference and found several answers in forums that blurred by.
[MSDN] Great mapping table between unmanaged types to C#.
Another great resource: []