The Leap Motion Controller requires ARM-9 or better and to make work with the Raspberry PI 2 I used a proxy HTTP server to work with the Raspberry PI 2. The Raspberry PI 2 controls servos based on the data from the leap. Each finger on the leap controls a different servo.
The project in action:
Details about the code:
The proxy sends JSON data for the finger rotations (in degrees).
{ "thumb": 27.815885630721692, "index": 8.8111549114070726, "middle": 16.216426372741033, "ring": 29.267951404867844, "pinky": 86.043786182477533 }
The script: ``
#!/usr/bin/env python import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import datetime import time import urllib2 import threading import json servo_pin2 = 18 servo_pin3 = 22 # 60 degrees / 0.1seconds servo_speed = 0.1 GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(servo_pin2, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(servo_pin3, GPIO.OUT) last_time = current_time = accuracy = 0.01 rotation1 = 90 rotation2 = 90 rotation3 = 90 rotation4 = 90 rotation5 = 90 timeRotation1 = 0 timeRotation2 = 0 timeRotation3 = 0 timeRotation4 = 0 timeRotation5 = 0 targetRotation1 = 90 targetRotation2 = 90 targetRotation3 = 90 targetRotation4 = 90 targetRotation5 = 90 pulse2 = GPIO.PWM(servo_pin2, 50) pulse3 = GPIO.PWM(servo_pin3, 50) logTime = stayAlive = True def getRotation(rotation): if (rotation > 90.0): return 180 if (rotation > 45.0): return 90 else: return 0 def newTarget(): global targetRotation1 global targetRotation2 global targetRotation3 global targetRotation4 global targetRotation5 while (stayAlive): content = urllib2.urlopen("").read() #print (content) jsonObject = json.loads(content) #print (jsonObject) #for key in jsonObject: # print (key) #print ("index: " + str(jsonObject["index"])) targetRotation1 = getRotation(jsonObject["thumb"]) targetRotation2 = getRotation(jsonObject["index"]) targetRotation3 = getRotation(jsonObject["middle"]) targetRotation4 = getRotation(jsonObject["ring"]) targetRotation5 = getRotation(jsonObject["pinky"]) time.sleep(0) print ("Thread complete.") return webThread = threading.Thread(target=newTarget, args=(), kwargs={}) webThread.start() def log(): global logTime global timeRotation2 global timeRotation3 global targetRotation2 global targetRotation3 if (logTime < logTime = + datetime.timedelta(0, 0.5) #print "****" #print ("2: TargetRotation: " + str(targetRotation2) + " Time: "+str(timeRotation2)) #print ("3: TargetRotation: " + str(targetRotation3) + " Time: "+str(timeRotation3)) return def reset(pulse): pulse.start(7.5); pulse.ChangeDutyCycle(7.5) time.sleep(0.5) pulse.ChangeDutyCycle(0) return def compare(timeRotation, rotation, targetRotation): global deltaTime if (timeRotation >= 100): return 0.25 elif (rotation == targetRotation): if (timeRotation >= 0.0): return timeRotation - deltaTime.total_seconds() else: return timeRotation; else: print "targetRotation changed." return 100 def update(pulse, timeRotation, targetRotation): cycle = 0 if (timeRotation >= 100): cycle = 0 if (targetRotation == 90): cycle = 7.5 elif (targetRotation == 0): cycle = 2.5 else: cycle = 12.5 print ("Cycle: "+str(cycle)) pulse.ChangeDutyCycle(cycle) elif (timeRotation >= 0.0 and ((timeRotation - deltaTime.total_seconds()) <= 0.0)): pulse.ChangeDutyCycle(0) print ("Cycle: "+str(cycle)) return targetRotation try: reset(pulse2) reset(pulse3) time.sleep(1) print "setup complete" while True: last_time = current_time current_time = deltaTime = current_time - last_time; log() timeRotation2 = compare(timeRotation2, rotation2, targetRotation2) timeRotation3 = compare(timeRotation3, rotation3, targetRotation3) rotation2 = update(pulse2, timeRotation2, targetRotation2); rotation3 = update(pulse3, timeRotation3, targetRotation3); time.sleep(0); except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\r\nProgram shutdown.' stayAlive = False time.sleep(1) GPIO.cleanup(); print '\r\nProgam complete.'
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