Unreal Revisited

Back to making an Unreal Plugin.

First get the [UE4 Engine Source].

git clone -b 4.16 https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine

Created a C++ project and BP plugin – [UE4ChromaSDK]

C++ Chroma Reference: [RazerChromaSampleApplication] originally from [Chroma Downloads]

Good example of using Chroma and DLL loading in UE4 – [Blinken]

Previous UE4 plugin I made for reference: [ue4-plugin-razer-sdk]

Reference: [UE4 Variables]

Reference: [UE4 Enums]

Reference: [RzChromaSDKTypes.h]


REST support @todo later.

I’m using a [custom version of Swagger] which should be able to generate a C++ client. Swagger requires that [Maven] be in the environment path.

Here’s the [Swagger Definition Files]

I’ll use [CppRestChroma] to make sure REST works in an isolated project.

[Microsoft/cpprestsdk] has the C++ bits to do REST and JSON.