Wasmer – WebAssembly Runtime

[Wasmer] is a blazing fast and secure WebAssembly runtime that enables incredibly lightweight containers to run anywhere: from Desktop to the Cloud, Edge and even the browser

Install with PowerShell:
iwr https://win.wasmer.io -useb | iex

Install with Scoop:
scoop install wasmer

[Wasmer C API]

[Wasmer Go]


Issue: [Running golang created WASM with CLI lacks wasm_exec.js bindings]

Wasmer doesn’t have wasm_exec.js implemented yet… [as described by the FAQ]

error: Unable to instantiate the WebAssembly module
╰─▶ 1: Error while importing “gojs”.”runtime.scheduleTimeoutEvent”: unknown import. Expected Function(FunctionType { params: [I32], results: [] })

Building, Integrating, and Deploying ClearScript

[Building, Integrating, and Deploying ClearScript]


[Getting started with embedding V8]

[NuGet package for V8 JavaScript Engine]

NuGet\Install-Package v8-v143-x86 -Version

Add to C++ Additional Include Folders: packages\v8-v143-x86.\include

Add to library Additional Include Folders: packages\v8-v143-x86.\lib\$(ConfigurationName)

Copy DLLs to the output folder: COPY /Y "packages\v8.redist-v143-x86.\lib\$(ConfigurationName)*.DLL" $(OutDir)

Example V8 Code: Github – [Clr_V8WebSocketClient]

Ugh: [WebSocket is not defined]