Category: Android
How to Hard Reset Samsung Galaxy S20 FE – Forgotten Password/Factory Reset
Samsung DeX: What It Is and How to Get Started
Android Studio – ADB
[Android Studio] now installs ADB to %localappdata%\Android\Sdk\platform-tools
UE4 on Android
Snapdragon Tech Summit 2021 – Day 2 Livestream
Snapdragon Tech Summit 2021 – Day 1 Livestream
Xbox remote play is open to everyone on Android devices
Play Over 100 Xbox Games on Android Mobile with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Today
MS Teams for Android
Android Studio 3.0 Canary 1
Udemy: Xamarin Forms: Build Native Cross-platform Apps with C#
Xamarin: How do I update the Java Development Kit (JDK) version?
Switching Java versions easily on a Mac
[Switching Java versions easily on a Mac] uses [HomeBrew] (the package installer for Mac).
[ButterKnife] uses annotations to generate nice bindings for Android view controls.
Swagger IO: Automate client code generation
The [Swagger.IO Editor] UI is great for generating code, but sometimes you want to automate the whole process. You might have to do that if your REST API has upcoming changes and if you always want to keep your client up to date.
Swagger definition files: [ChromaSwaggerDefinition]
Make sure you have [JDK7] (or better) and [Maven] in your path.
[Getting Started] shows a quick example for getting the project with GIT clone and generating a client on the command-line.
1 GIT Clone [tgraupmann-swagger-codegen]
2 Run [maven_clean_package] after cloning the repo
3 The [generate_java_clients.cmd] script will auto-generate the Razer Arena JAVA clients.
@todo: [automate these changes in the swagger java templates]
Implemented: Get the changes with a [Pull Request]
Udemy: How to setup a SQLite Database in an Android App
Udemy has a great course that covers how to use SQLite databases.
Lumberyard: How to Make Lumberyard Better?
Godot Engine
I’ll need to support the [Godot] engine soon. It’s an [open-source] engine that supports [plugins].
Xamarin Dev Days Live : Hands-On Lab Walkthrough
Prime31UnityActivity.jar Source
I need the [Prime31] source from [Mike] to the `Prime31UnityAcivity.jar` which is used by the [Android Social Networking], the [Android In App Billing Plugin], and the [Android Etcetera Plugin].
In the end, I just had to delay the `UnityPlayer` pause so that C# had time to pause the music before pausing the rest of the UnityPlayer.
NDK Target 23
Here is a strange [NDK issue]. I had to move the native code to its own module with a min SDK, target SDK, and compile tools set to API 21 in order to get the native library to load properly. This started happening after upgrading to `android-ndk-r12b`.
Ripple Color
Google Play publishing requires a new target of 24 and you have to set the `Ripple Color`. I created a [sample project].