C++ JWT Code Sample: [Cpp_BoostJsonZipPostJwt]
Category: Code
Kaitai Struct
[Kaitai Struct] – A new way to develop parsers for binary structures.
Language-neutral: write once, use in all supported languages:
- C++/STL
- C#
- Go (*)
- Java
- JavaScript
- Lua
- Perl
- Python
- Ruby
Debugging Tools
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\plmdebug.exe
Visual Studio Remote Debugging Tools
To debug on a remote computer install the [Visual Studio Remote Debugging Tools].
How to get Github contact info if there is none
Given a github user name, the events/public will provide their email if it's not listed on their profile, which does happen. https://api.github.com/users/tgraupmann/events/public
Localize UWP Package Manifest and XAML
This worked like a charm!
Programming a New Physics Engine for my Game
Html Agility Pack
The [Html Agility Pack] is under MIT license and is an HTML parser written in C# to read/write DOM and supports plain XPATH or XSLT.
HtmlWeb hw = new HtmlWeb(); HtmlDocument doc = hw.Load(/* url */); foreach(HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@href]")) { }
Top Programming Languages in 2020
#1 Python
#2 Java
#3 JavaScript
Paste JSON as Code
[Paste JSON as Code] as a Visual Studio Extension
Mixer Two-Way Communication with Custom Controls and Game Clients
The Mixer streaming platform supports custom widget overlays over the video streams. Those widgets support [two-way communication].
How to install libxml2 in Visual Studio on Windows
After manually trying to get libxml2 to run for an hour, this solution took two minutes…
Update GIT in All Subfolders
SET OD=%CD% FOR /d %%i in (*) do CD "%%i" && git pull & CD %OD% PAUSE
AI-Powered Python Copilot
WebGLSpeech – Mac Speech Proxy
Activate Developer Mode on your retail Xbox One console
How to load debug symbols in Visual Studio during debugging
Effective C++/WinRT for UWP and Win32
Windows 10 SDK – 10.0.17134
Programming: What’s new in C# 7.0 with Mads Torgersen
Android: Native NDK Updates
Android Studio support for NDK is no longer experimental. Read the latest docs on [Add C and C++ Code to Your Project] to see how to support native code in your Android Studio projects.
Xamarin Dev Days Live : Hands-On Lab Walkthrough
Parent Lock
I wrote [an app] to control the kids’ computers with a lock screen after bedtime. The app launches on startup and when locked cannot be killed, closed, minimized, moved, or switched out of. After a password is entered, the lock can be temporarily delayed by 30 minutes or an hour.
Microsoft officially launches the first preview of Visual Studio for Mac
I’ve started to learn the [Cocos2D Engine]. So far I have it building and running on Android. The next step is to add an IAP sample.