Let us hope the SDK and raw EEG access is free with the new [Emotiv MN8] product.

The Development Blog of Tim Graupmann
Let us hope the SDK and raw EEG access is free with the new [Emotiv MN8] product.
The [Community SDK] gives access to the frequency bands.
The Emotiv Insight is a brain controlled input device originally funded by [Kickstarter].
We had our first Emotiv community developer hangout today!
Of course next time, I’ll keep the headset charged and cover some of the pattern detection topics.
Emotiv: [Emotiv G+ Beta Community]
Emotiv: [Insight Control Panel] (Firefox)
Emotiv: [My Downloads]
Emotiv: [Github Emotiv Community SDK]
Google: [Tensor Flow]
Prediction IO: [PredictionIO]
IBM: [Watson Discovery Advisor]
HP: [HavenOnDemand]
The Emotiv Insight is a brain controlled input device originally funded by [Kickstarter].
Me: *** Unity Plugin **** if you want access to the Community Emotiv Unity plugin and you have an EEG Insight, email support@theylovegames.com. The [Word Detection] package has been extended to include raw EEG processing. You can support development by purchasing the [Word Detection] package or just shoot an email to get access.
Emotiv: [Insight Control Panel] (Firefox)
Emotiv: [Insight EEG Viewer] (Firefox)
Emotiv: [My Downloads]
Emotiv: [Frequently Asked Questions]
Emotiv: [Emotiv USB Receiver] enables a better Insight connection on Mac and Windows
Emotiv: [Emotiv G+ Beta Community]
Emotiv: [Github Issue Tracker] * Best way to interact with engineering team *
Emotiv: [Forum]
Emotiv: [Github Emotiv Community SDK]
Dependencies: Be sure to check the [Install Visual C++ 2015 Tools for Windows Desktop] box when installing [Visual Studio 2015] to be able to use the C++ examples.
Dependencies: The C++ Examples also require installing [Visual Studio 2010] Build Tools.